Check out items with a valid photo ID at Library Services Desk on first floor. If you need to designate another person to pick up your items on hold at the Library Services Desk, please fill out the Proxy/Sponsor Authorization form and email the completed form to
The check out times for various items held at B.D. Owens Library are listed within the Circulation Composite List. The number of items that can be checked out at once per borrower type is also listed below:
Types of Borrowers | Number can checkout at once |
Alumni | 50 |
Faculty | 50 |
Family of faculty, staff, and Horace Mann students | 50 |
Graduate students | 50 |
Maryville Public Library patrons | 5 |
Staff | 50 |
Special Borrowers** | 5 |
Undergraduate students | 50 |
Upward Bound | 50 |
High school class (per visit) | 100 |
** Special Borrower cards are available to any community members and the fees are $20 for the first year and $10 in following years.
Materials may be renewed online up to 2 times (or in-person at the Library Services Desk) unless it gets requested by another patron. If someone else has put a hold on the item or you try to renew a third time, you will not be able to renew and will be prompted to return the item by your current due date.
To renew items:
Click “checkouts” to find all items that you currently have checked out. Here you can see each due date as well
Click “renew” on your checked out item
Please return items to the indoor bookdrop at the Library Services Desk when the library is open. When the library is closed, use the outside bookdrop by the front doors. All items are checked in the same day they are received; there is nothing left in the bookdrops at closing time.
Place items used in the library but not checked out on any of the wooden book carts located throughout the library. Please do not reshelve materials. Thank you!
Community members with a Maryville Public Library card may borrow from B. D. Owens Library, and Northwest Missouri State University students, staff and faculty may borrow from Maryville Public Library (MPL).
Process for Bearcats borrowing from MPL:
1. For Bearcats who live or own property within the City of Maryville taxing district: MPL Adult/Family Full Access cards are issued freely to households living or owning property within the City of Maryville property taxing district. To apply, please bring a photo ID and two pieces of mail or other paperwork (lease, checkbook, etc.) that show your current address, or a property tax receipt from the most recent tax year showing your household has paid city property tax to the Maryville Public Library.
2. For Bearcats who live outside the city taxing district: The same application, photo ID, and proof of address are needed, along with a $68 annual fee that covers all cardholders in the household. That amount is based upon what the library receives in property tax revenue from those living within the City’s taxing district.
More information about borrowing from Maryville Public Library, and a link to apply for an MPL Full Access Library Card can be found here.
Questions? Contact Maryville Public Library